
Timothy Goring
Global Business Manager - Digital TWIN,
Siemens Smart Infrastructure
Tim joined Siemens with the acquisition of the ecodomus where he was Regional Director – APAC, Tim helps lead Digital TWIN business development channels globally and support digital transformation projects and solutions specialising in Digital TWINs and Asset lifecycle.
Tim has a background of 30 years working with large government and private sector real estate and infrastructure owners including Tertiary education, Airports, Rail Infrastructure, Data Centres, Hospitals in Digital Asset Management transformation and Spatial data infrastructures and 14 years working in Digital TWIN and Technology roadmaps. Tim has been a Photogrammetrist, Software Developer, Technology Consultant and Solutions Architect as well as lBusiness and market development roles in NAFTA, EU and APAC and has worked on infrastructure projects around the world such as Cross Rail UK, British Nuclear Power, Dallas regional Transit Hub, Londons docklands Development authority, West Kowloon Authority HK, Pemex and Telmex, Mexico, Melbourne connect AU, Forest City Malaysia, Bangalore Airport, City Rail Link NZ, NEOM Project Saudi Arabia, Royal Childrens Hospital AU, Veolia HK, University of Florida Digital TWIN, Insel Hospital Bern.