
Subpage Hero - Blue Graphic


  • Letter
    • P
  • Katrina Paras

    Katrina Paras

    Sixth Form Student, Ada. National College for Digital Skills
  • Mehdi Paryavi

    Mehdi Paryavi

    Chairman, International Data Center Authority (IDCA)
  • Reema Patel

    Reema Patel

    Research Director and Head of Deliberative Engagement, Ipsos
  • Joanne Payne

    Joanne Payne

    Chief People Officer at PIB Group, Non-Executive Director at Famn
  • Craig Pearson

    Craig Pearson

    DevOps Institute Ambassador, Director, Creative Agile Partners
  • Radia Perlman

    Radia Perlman

    Fellow at Dell Technologies, Inventor of the spanning tree algorithm, National Academy of Engineering, the Inventor Hall of Fame, The Internet Hall of Fame
  • Francesca Pollard

    Francesca Pollard

    Co-Founder, Women in DevOps
  • Dr Chanda Prescod-Weinstein

    Dr Chanda Prescod-Weinstein

    Theoretical cosmologist and particle physicist, Assistant Professor of Physics, Core Faculty Member in Women's and Gender Studies, University of New Hampshire


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